Why You Should Try Laser Hair Removal

Why You Should Try Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted hair anywhere on the body, is exactly that – unwanted! It’s a source of acute embarrassment and lack of confidence, and can even be the butt of jokes from insensitive people. Yet what’s to do about it? Many options are not feasible, and most involve a very frequent re-do. Maybe it’s time to try a professional laser hair removal treatment.

According to statistics, on average, women spend more than 70 full days shaving during their lifetimes. That’s well over two months of consistently dragging blades over their skin and risking nasty nicks and scrapes, while they could be doing something else. They also spend a good deal of their time using wax strips in an attempt to remove unsightly hair, or on trying out various lotions and potions.

Here’s How Laser Hair Removal Treatment Works

The principle behind laser hair removal involves using infrared light distributed by a laser which is calibrated at a specific setting. When the rays encounter high amounts of melanin (a dark brown or black pigment in the hair) they deliver their energy in the form of heat. This burns the hair follicles, destroying the hairs at root level.

The most common areas targeted are the underarms, bikini lines, the legs, upper lip and chin. The method can be used in almost all other areas, however, there is one place that’s a no-go for this treatment. Laser treatment on the eyelid, or surrounding area, might cause serious injury to the eye.

How long that treatment program takes will depend on you, your hair and skin coloring, and the amount of body hair you need removed.

Who Are Suitable Candidates for Laser Hair Removal

Developments are ongoing in the field of laser hair removal, so the situation is constantly changing as it widens its sphere of effective operation. The system has also found its way into spas and salons; and DIY products for home-use can be found on store shelves.

However, laser removal does have its can’t-dos, and its can-dos, and because of this, it is important to consult a cosmetic surgeon regarding suitability as a candidate. Some of the issues involved include the following:

  • For a long time, laser hair removal was only considered an option for those with light skin and dark hair. This is because of the laser’s reaction to only the dark melanin pigment in hairs. This action became complicated when the pigment was present not only in the hair, but also in the skin color. Also considered unsuitable, were blondes, redheads and those with grey hair, as these hair colors did not contain the correct pigment.

However, new lasers are now being developed which use longer wave-lengths, improved cooling systems and other modifications. These are claimed to be suitable for all skin types.

  • Hormone levels can affect the long-term efficacy of laser treatment. When higher levels of androgens like testosterone are present, regrowth may be faster and the reduction levels of the treatment might be lower.

A program not a treatment

The process is aimed at permanently removing, or at least significantly reducing, the number of hairs in certain areas. It does not promise permanent or instant results, and it is not a once-off process. It will take about 10 days before the targeted hairs start to fall out, and there might be some hair regrowth at first. However, the rate of removal or reduction improves as the series of treatments within an individualized program progresses.

If you are tired of the battle with stubble and the removal systems you’ve been using for years, it is certainly worth speaking to your cosmetic surgeon about what lasers are available, and whether or not you are a suitable candidate. It could be the answer to removing the fuzz and freeing up loads of time.


Consultations Available Now

Take the first step. Get your questions answered and find out which treatment option is best for your personal situation by meeting with one of our knowledgeable medical staff at Yaletown Laser Centre for an in-person consultation.

Simply fill out the form on this page, and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.

*Individual results may vary.

Take The First Step - Request a Consultation

If you would like to schedule an in-person consultation, please fill out the form on this page and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Yaletown Laser Centre will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our Vancouver, BC office directly to schedule 604-332-3453. Yaletown Laser Centre serves the greater Vancouver, BC area.