Why You Should Stop Taking Diet Pills and Go With CoolSculpting

Why You Should Stop Taking Diet Pills and Go With CoolSculpting

Diet pills: a popular money-making racket in the often-questionable supplements industry. Still, it’s a tempting idea. All you have to do is take a tablet, and the weight melts away – except, it doesn’t. If losing weight were that easy, people wouldn’t bother with the hard work and will-power it takes to restrict calories and get lots of exercise.

Diet pills are unscientific and can endanger your health

Some slimming tablets aren’t too bad. There’s no evidence that they work, but they can’t actually hurt you – only it turns out that many of them can, and a lot of these so-called treatments enjoy mainstream support. For example, Garcinia tablets are enormously popular. There is zero evidence of efficacy, but at least Garcinia, a fruit, is healthy. Or so you’d think. Eating Garcinia fruit is healthy because you wouldn’t eat the rind. This rind contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA), the very thing that Garcinia proponents say makes their diet pills work.

However, there are concerns about whether hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is bad for human health. On top of that, Women’s Health reports that Garcinia tablets tested in laboratories failed laboratory quality testing and have been linked to multiple hospitalization incidents.

The diet pills industry is, sad to say, a money-spinner that touts ineffective and potentially dangerous supplements.

Healthy diet and exercise don’t always go all the way

The alternative is healthy diet and exercise, but many slimmers will testify that it only works up to a point. Stubborn fat remains behind, and no amount of perseverance seems to shift it. Sadly, this is the time when many men and women turn to diet pills, wasting money on remedies that won’t work and that are anything but cheap.

What if there were a scientifically proven alternative?

Coolsculpting is approved by medical authorities

CoolSculpting is no gimmick. Unlike liposuction, no incisions are needed. The fat cells are literally frozen to death, and the body eliminates them within a few weeks. If you’re already practicing a healthy lifestyle, there’s no reason for the fat to return, and you’re left with a permanently slimmer look. But be warned! If you’re going to binge on chocolate and become a couch potato, nature will take its course, and the fat will return.

“Eat anything you like” diets and fad diet pills might make unrealistic promises, but CoolSculpting is supported by scientific research and the approval of medical authorities. It’s safe, it’s effective, and provided you use your common sense and don’t consume more calories than you use, you won’t bounce back to your former weight.

The procedure is more comfortable than it may sound, and it is 100 percent safe. There will be a recovery period, and you will have to wait for your body to eliminate the subcutaneous fat cells. You also can’t be extremely overweight if you want good results, but for getting rid of stubborn pockets of fat, Coolsculpting is unbeatable.

Our advice? Ditch your diet pills and adopt a healthy lifestyle. If stubborn fat remains behind, come for a consultation to find out what CoolSculpting can do for you.


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*Individual results may vary.

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